Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our feelings BEFORE we started this blog

Hi I am Rudy. My feelings before we started this blog was very angry. It was because I quarrelled with my partner,Danial. On the first day, I did not care about the quarrel I had with Danial. I am only cared about doing the project properly. I know that our project was to search and find more information about coral reefs. I felt very lucky that Miss Yu chose me to do this project.Yay!!!

Hi, I am Danial. I had a fight with Rudy at the start of the project because I am a very sensitive person. Nevermind about the quarrel, because I just want to do this blog for environment for the Coral Reefs well. I feel very lucky to get choosen for this project.

(MIss Yu: Don't worry, the boys did manage to cool down and talk to each other again, and both of them continued happily with their project!)

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